Why Fatty Liver is Increasing in Children?

Health Care India
1 min readMar 25, 2023


Fatty Liver in Children

In this video, Dr. Deepak Goyal, a well-known Pediatric Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist in Delhi, NCR, has discussed an important topic — fatty liver, as the incidences of fatty liver have increased in children, which was previously more prevalent in middle-aged or older people.

In the last 5 to 10 years, the problem of fatty liver has increased in #children . #fattyliver occurs when too much fat deposits in the liver, usually more than 5% of the total liver tissue. It usually causes no #symptoms but when they do occur, they include vague upper abdominal discomfort or minor #abdominalpain . It is caused when too much fat and carbohydrates are consumed and there is an imbalance between the intake and the output, i.e., a lack of physical activity. #obesity overweight, or any other metabolic condition are the risk factors associated with it. It can be diagnosed with a few simple blood tests (like a liver function test, etc.), an ultrasound, or by a fibroscan. Most of the cases are treated without medication by lifestyle modifications, reducing the risk factors, and regularly exercising. Fatty liver disease if not managed properly can lead to advanced liver diseases or #liver damage.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Deepak Goyal, a renowned Pediatric Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist in Delhi, NCR, by phone (+91–9910580500) or email (docdeepak27@gmail.com).

